Friday, November 13, 2009

visiting hours

I've been blessed and I actually have been getting to work the past 2 weeks. I haven't got to visit my usual people lately, so yesterday I had a day off and visited my friends Ashley & Melissa. Ashley has a cute little boy Brayden, he is 3 months old and has the cutest chubby cheeks. He's a snuggly baby.

When I visit these girls, we usually eat and go get a pedicure. I had worked the night before and had only slept 2 hours that day before I met them. I should've known, but I was in a rush. My legs were hairy. Attractive, I know. Anyway, I apologized to the guy doing my pedicure repeatedly... my pedicure didn't last as long as the other girls... I have a strong belief it was because of the state my legs were in. (Don't act like any of you ladies have never gone a few days without shaving your legs) ;-)
I usually get a pink or red color, but I decided on this beautiful color.

Today, I went to visit my friend Leslie and her cute kids. We ate dinner and watched The Proposal. It was a cute little chick flick, not kid appropriate (we waited til they went to sleep). As I was leaving, I opened the door and it jammed into my foot. It hurt.
I'm not usually a wuss... it hurts a lot worse than it looks. BUT hey, at least my toes look cute!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's beautiful too! The color not the cut...
