Monday, August 30, 2010

You got a fast car... I want a ticket to anywhere

Right now, I am on the lookout for a new vehicle.

Nothing is wrong with my car, I actually love it.

However, my mother has decided to buy my car, and she needs a good and dependable car.

I figure I'll never get away from car payments, and God has blessed me with a career that I can afford them still.

I love my Honda Civic, I've had it for 4 years and it has been such a good vehicle... I have decided not to stray from the Honda family.

number one//   
Honda Pilot
It has third row seating... which is handy for all of my children. haha
It's probably too big for me, but I just want it.

number two///                                                                                 
       Honda CR-V
Smaller SUV and better on gas mileage.
Also, it is considerably cheaper than a Pilot.

number three//
Honda Accord
Probably more practical.
I'm sort of done having a car.
I really just want a SUV.

I will probably get the CR-V.  My friend has one, and loves it.
I hate going to car dealerships though.
They always try to pull crap on women.  
At least they always do on me, and since I don't know anything about cars, it usually works.  Then I find out later that I could've had this or that done 90 bucks cheaper down the street or I could've done it at home.
Times like these I wish I wasn't single so I could make my boyfriend go with me... then when I was done I could dump him.  haha.  I kid.  I kid. (or am I?)

Monday, August 16, 2010

(ten) things to know

ten random things to know about me:

(one): i stay up until at least 3 am every night when i'm not at work.  There are a few exceptions where I go to bed early.

(two): i often start projects and quickly get bored with them... as evidenced by my "picture of the day" thing i started last week.  yep.  i'm already done with it.

(three): i treat people with respect and kindness and expect the the same in return.  this is a no-brainer, everyone wants that...right?   however i seem to encounter people/friends that do not share the same sentiment.

(four): i use my dictionary/thesaurus frequently.  i hate looking like an idiot if i misspell something.  i just used it to see how to spell "misspell".

(five): if i add a song to my iTunes, and then find i don't like it, i will delete it.  there's no sense in using my memory in case i might like it later.

(six): when i am in control of the volume, it has to land on an even number.  it doesn't bother me as much if someone else is controlling the volume, just when i do.

(seven): i have 5 packs of floss.  i once went a couple of day with no floss.  those were bad days. i stocked up.

(eight): pretty much all of my friends are either married and/or have kids.  i have neither of those things.  this is okay with me.  for some people it is not okay that i am single and/or don't have children.  mostly people from my hometown that see me once every three years.  my tolerance wears thin.

(nine): i habitually daydream of moving to some place like austin and being a hippie.  owning a little shop. wearing big flowing dresses. long hair. eating organic food. listening to music in my tiny house.

(ten): i have a career.  i have a job i love.  i have a job that is rewarding beyond belief.
                     i still do not know what i want to be when i grow up... 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 1st - 7th ((Picture a day))

This is probably meaningless to anyone who reads this.
However, I am doing this to help me remember what happened on what day.

It's kinda like the book "The Notebook", but instead of someone reading me a story and me having Alzheimer's; I'll take pictures and hopefully remember what happened even with the paragraph.

August 1st:::  I had been wanting to do a flower arrangement for awhile.  However, I couldn't do one because I'm decoratingly (not sure if that's a word) challenged.  I faced my fears.  Kaylee and I went to Hobby Lobby, got a vase, and just started putting random flowers to make this. ^  I'm very proud of us.

August 2nd::: In my attempt to save money, I like to wax my own eyebrows.  I'm not horrible at it, except I leave them really red and in pain for a long time.  It doesn't make much sense when I pay people to paint my toes though.  Eh, you cut costs where you can.

August 3rd::: For those of you who have no idea who this person is, it's Ali from the Bachelorette.  I'm kind of embarassed that I got sucked into this show, especially since I haven't watched one single season before this.  Once I started watching it when I lived with Kaylee, it went downhill from there.  I worked the night the finale aired and I avoided facebook/twitter all night because people like to spoil things.  I rushed home after a long night of work and even though I was dead tired, I had to see if she chose Roberto or Chris.  I was pleased.

August 4th::: I know you are probably wondering what these two have in common and why I took a picture of them.  I have been having crazy heartburn for a bit and Zantac has become my new best friend.  However, my beloved Diet Coke make my heartburn 10x worse.  Hello Zantac, goodbye my sweet sweet Diet Coke.

August 5th::: I had been craving a steak for a couple of days.  Although I cut into this one before I remembered that I should take a picture of it, it still looks tasty.  Medium Well even.  Baby steps people.

August 6th:::  Today, I felt like a real adult.  I went into Mathis Brothers and bought a brand new dining room set and coffee table.  It was overwhelming with all the choices, yet I'm happy with the choices I made.

August 7th:::  The Johnson Clan (Kaylee & Jeremy) had an amazing cookout and I didn't fully capture the magnificent spread of food they have. I ate way too much.  Good food. Good friends. Good times.

Friday, August 6, 2010


My world is spinning so fast.
I can't remember what happened on what days.
I'm not sure if this is how other people feel.
Maybe it's because I work a night shift.

I have figured out a new blog schtick.

Let's be realistic.  I can't cook well, but my cooking through a cookbook thing was a good idea in theory.
I eat two meals a day and one usually consists of a Lean Cuisine.

I determined a way to help me remember what happened on what days.

A picture a day.
I will post weekly pictures of each day with brief paragraphs.
I've already started on August 1st.
Some may be significant.
Some may not.

Surprisingly, people actually read my blog.  (I have a site counter thanks to Google Analytics suggested by Faith)
If people are reading my blog, I assume they must be somewhat interested in what goes on in my boring life.
I shall keep going with this blog thing.
It was sort of a new year's resolution, but not really because I think I started it before the new year anyway.


Sunday, August 1, 2010


Working at a hospital especially in a critical care setting, you see a lot of death.
Sometimes death comes in groups.
Sometimes it's weeks before you have a death.
Most of the time I block it out, you learn to separate from it.  That's your job.  It's life.  This is what happens.

Without elaborating too much (for confidentiality sake), I had a patient death recently that hit me harder than usual.
This patient I had taken care of all three nights.  Very nice person, not terribly unstable, no drips, but in the CCU for a very good reason,  This patient was a great person, a little anxious (reasonably), and the family was wonderful.  When I left that week for my 5 days off, I didn't give a second thought about it.  This patient was to be better and get out of the unit within the next 2 days.

I come back to work to find out this patient had died a couple of days later unexpectedly.

It's weird to me because I've had many great patients, with wonderful families, that I didn't expect to pass away and yet this one affected me differently.

I've come to terms with it now and it wasn't that I was heartbroken/sobbing.  It's just a little piece of me was different after that and I can't quite put my finger on it.

I'm not even sure why I wrote this, but deaths are something in my life that happens often and I guess I just wanted to share how sometimes I deal with it.... and sometimes I don't.