Friday, August 6, 2010


My world is spinning so fast.
I can't remember what happened on what days.
I'm not sure if this is how other people feel.
Maybe it's because I work a night shift.

I have figured out a new blog schtick.

Let's be realistic.  I can't cook well, but my cooking through a cookbook thing was a good idea in theory.
I eat two meals a day and one usually consists of a Lean Cuisine.

I determined a way to help me remember what happened on what days.

A picture a day.
I will post weekly pictures of each day with brief paragraphs.
I've already started on August 1st.
Some may be significant.
Some may not.

Surprisingly, people actually read my blog.  (I have a site counter thanks to Google Analytics suggested by Faith)
If people are reading my blog, I assume they must be somewhat interested in what goes on in my boring life.
I shall keep going with this blog thing.
It was sort of a new year's resolution, but not really because I think I started it before the new year anyway.


1 comment:

  1. great idea! maybe our spinning worlds can collide sometime soon!
