Thursday, December 9, 2010


I'm trying to be more consistent with my bloggings.  If that's even a word... wait it's not, because the red line just popped up underneath it.  Oh well, I made it a word.

I'm drinking a cup of hot cocoa in a mug that someone got me.  I can't remember who got me it, but whoever did, thank you because it's cute and it keeps my cocoa warm.

I think my dog is getting the hang of potty training.  That's one thing I've been consistent with.  I've read over and over how dachshunds are hard to potty train.  Believe me he's had his share of accidents, one in which he pooped at Kaylee's house, but that's been forgiven. :)

Another thing I'm trying to be consistent with again is working out.  I used to love working out.  When I was doing P90x or Insanity I was working out 6 days a week.  In hindsight that may have been a bit overkill, but I was pumped up.

I recently joined a gym.  I like it so far.  I usually do the elliptical or run on the treadmill.  Tonight I did a Zumba class and let me just say that it is SOOO fun.  I get to shake my booty, hips, and pop it, with no judgment.  It's great.  I know I probably look dumb doing it, but nobody notices.  Everyone else is trying to work on the  moves and watching themselves do it.

To give you a little taste of it, here's a short video.  Doesn't it look like SO MUCH fun?


  1. I don't think I could do this in front of myself, much less anyone else. I'd look like the opposite of them.

  2. I so want to take a zumba class; it's on my list of 1,000 things to do after Chris gets hired on at the FD! Chris wants P90X for Christmas; and he's planning on making me do it with him. I vote for zumba.
