Monday, November 8, 2010


This little boy is a turkey, but he brightens my day everyday.
I love this little pup.

He is 16 weeks old.  Hyper, but snuggly.  I'm working on potty training him... which is a big feat considering I live on the second floor.  He is a dachshund, not a miniature, but he was the runt.
He's had some problems with tracheitis and gastritis, but he's getting better and worth every cent I've had to spend at the vet.

Yes, I named him after one of my favorite TV shows: Dexter.
No, he's not a serial killer puppy.
No, he's not mean and he's not going to be.  

One day I'll get him a brother or a sister, but not until I get a house with a backyard.

I adopted him from LowRider Dachshund Rescue.  This lady and her husband take in dachshunds from puppy mills, off the street, and people who can't take care of them anymore.  She has over 20 dogs and 10 puppies.  Her house is super clean, the dogs are taken very good care of, and they have their vaccinations & spayed/neutered.
If you are in the market and want to give a dog a forever home, I would recommend this place 100%.

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