Friday, April 23, 2010

Done. Finished. Complete.

With some thought and consideration, I have decided I am done with the P90x program for now.

Here are the reasons:
1. I busted my rear for 60 days and I have lost hardly any inches, my clothes don't fit any better, and if I'm not following the exact diet, I'm not going to see the results I want.
2. If I'm going to exercise and hate what I'm doing (except a few DVDs I did like), I don't see the point in doing something I hate/dread so much.
3. I gained muscle, but I'm not getting much cardio. I NEED cardio.  I run/jog and love it...
4. I have a right shoulder issue from lifting a very heavy person and P90x aggravated it I think.

So I am sort of a flake.

I got my Insanity in the mail yesterday, but my chiropractor said that I need to get my shoulder in line before I start that.  I will be jogging until then I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you'll have a more normal routine in the future that will make the nutrition plan feasible. You did really great sticking to it this far though!

    Check this....I've been jogging this week and it's caused inflammation or something at the site where I had the epidural with Ella. Feels like a horrible bruise all time. Ick!
