Thursday, February 11, 2010

P90X Week 1

I’ll be doing this weekly since I do not have the Internet where I live at the moment.

I’ll go ahead & get my excuses out of the way so we can get on with this post.  It has been extremely hard to stay on track this week.  My dad has been in and out of the hospital, and working nights also makes it very hard to be on track.   There… now I’m done.

I’ll start out by telling you that I did not work out a lot before this.  Besides the occasional visit to the gym, doing Wii Fit, and dancing at home/club, I have not seriously exercised since June 2009.   (Yes, I consider me dancing at home & the club a workout… I sweat and my heart beats faster… so it’s a workout.)

I took the Fit Test that it showed in that poorly written fitness guide and I passed all of the requirements, minus the pull-ups, which I failed miserably.

I will admit that I underestimated P90x and I now know that I am an idiot.

Since I have not worked out since June 2009, and I did not want to push myself too much, and it was recommended to do the full workouts… I only did 30 minutes of the workouts for this first week.  I know, I know… blah blah blah.   This 2nd week I will be completing the workouts in full.

I also attempted to do Weight Watchers this week, which I completed 5 of the 7 days.  It’s been so hard since I’ve been traveling back & forth to the hospital, & eating on the road.  You are tired of hearing excuses right?  Yeah, I’m full of them… so sue me.

Chest & Back – I was able to do 30 minutes and I bought a pull up bar in which I did pull ups while having a chair help me out. I also do girl push-ups, I can do one pushup on my feet, but I have very little upper body strength when it comes to pushups.
Ab Ripper X – I did the full 16 minutes. My Abs felt like they were being ripped in half.  I certainly felt that the next day.
Plyometrics- Hahahaha.  I’m out of shape.  The next night I had to go up & down to the lab at work for blood.  3 flights of stairs...4 times.  I wanted to cry each time.  I do not joke.  I literally almost had tears coming out of my eyes…it hurt.
Arms & Shoulders – I was able to do 30 minutes, and I had better upper body strength than I thought.  My triceps were pretty sore the next day, but they are flabby and really need to be toned.

Yoga X - Yoga is not for sissies.  It is an hour and a half, and I was able to do 45 minutes.  That downward dog and plank stuff really made me sore.  I feel as if I’m just one big ball of soreness.  It did relax me and I felt more flexible at the end, whether it was all in my head I do not know.  Breathing is key.
Legs & Back – My brother decided to do this one with me.  He was mouthing it earlier and I told him that he needed to just try it.  He took back all the things he said about it pretty quickly after we started.  

Kenpo X – This was the easiest P90x workout for me so far.  I liked it because I miss my kickboxing class I used to go to, and it reminds me of that somewhat. 

The end of Week 1, even though I did not eat as well as I planned and I only worked out half the recommended time, I lost 2 lbs!  I haven’t measured myself again; I will do that at 30 days, 60 days, and then 90 days.  I will also do my pictures in those increments.  If I’m brave enough & there is significant difference, I may even post them.  We will see.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  Next week I may do a better job at describing the workouts, and hopefully I will have fewer excuses.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Brandi! Keep it up. You know the old cliche' ... "no pain no gain".
