I'm contemplating either revamping this blog or making a new blog entirely, and just posting the link on here.
I have some ideas for a new blog, so I've just got to get it together. Maybe some day I can be a professional blogger and quit my job. That would probably require me to blog more than every four months huh?
I've been busy... ummm... working out?

*from here
Edited to add this video. I can't get enough of it. If you are in a bad mood, please watch it because you will immediately snap out of it. This video is from KFOR in Oklahoma to boot...
Edited to add this video. I can't get enough of it. If you are in a bad mood, please watch it because you will immediately snap out of it. This video is from KFOR in Oklahoma to boot...
Oh. my gosh. That video was funny! And yes, you should blog more that once every four months... I always love them!