Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 1st - 7th ((Picture a day))

This is probably meaningless to anyone who reads this.
However, I am doing this to help me remember what happened on what day.

It's kinda like the book "The Notebook", but instead of someone reading me a story and me having Alzheimer's; I'll take pictures and hopefully remember what happened even with the paragraph.

August 1st:::  I had been wanting to do a flower arrangement for awhile.  However, I couldn't do one because I'm decoratingly (not sure if that's a word) challenged.  I faced my fears.  Kaylee and I went to Hobby Lobby, got a vase, and just started putting random flowers to make this. ^  I'm very proud of us.

August 2nd::: In my attempt to save money, I like to wax my own eyebrows.  I'm not horrible at it, except I leave them really red and in pain for a long time.  It doesn't make much sense when I pay people to paint my toes though.  Eh, you cut costs where you can.

August 3rd::: For those of you who have no idea who this person is, it's Ali from the Bachelorette.  I'm kind of embarassed that I got sucked into this show, especially since I haven't watched one single season before this.  Once I started watching it when I lived with Kaylee, it went downhill from there.  I worked the night the finale aired and I avoided facebook/twitter all night because people like to spoil things.  I rushed home after a long night of work and even though I was dead tired, I had to see if she chose Roberto or Chris.  I was pleased.

August 4th::: I know you are probably wondering what these two have in common and why I took a picture of them.  I have been having crazy heartburn for a bit and Zantac has become my new best friend.  However, my beloved Diet Coke make my heartburn 10x worse.  Hello Zantac, goodbye my sweet sweet Diet Coke.

August 5th::: I had been craving a steak for a couple of days.  Although I cut into this one before I remembered that I should take a picture of it, it still looks tasty.  Medium Well even.  Baby steps people.

August 6th:::  Today, I felt like a real adult.  I went into Mathis Brothers and bought a brand new dining room set and coffee table.  It was overwhelming with all the choices, yet I'm happy with the choices I made.

August 7th:::  The Johnson Clan (Kaylee & Jeremy) had an amazing cookout and I didn't fully capture the magnificent spread of food they have. I ate way too much.  Good food. Good friends. Good times.

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