Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I need a shtick.

I do, need a shtick or schtick... however you spell it.

Exercise was it for awhile, now that's being put on hold.
I'm pretty boring, so I never really have anything interesting to add.

*I read.  I don't really want to write my thoughts of books, plus who reads those anyway?
*I watch movies. Again, I don't want to write my thoughts on movies.  It'd be either GOOD or BAD.
*I have no children.  I can't really write about nonexistent kids.
*I work in a hospital.  I can't write about patients and even if I wrote something without details of names or stuff, it's still probably a HIPAA violation.
*I go to concerts.  Not often enough to keep a weekly blog of it though.

I'm at a loss.

I forget to take my camera places, so unless I can start taking pictures of my daily life, nobody wants to JUST read about it.


1 comment:

  1. What about....

    1) funny videos
    2) jokes
    3) design inspiration photos
    4) fashion inspiration photos
    5) cook your way thru a cookbook & review recipes
    6) pick up a new hobby (learn to knit, crochet, etc) and document your mistakes. i always wanted to write a book called "son of a stitch" and include all of my and my friend's projects gone bad.

    that's all i got...
