One of my goals is to be more mindful of where my money goes.
I have been really watching my diet and focusing on eating healthy this past month.
I don't really want to bother with extra calories going out to eat, so I haven't been going out to eat as much.
I know it gets expensive going out, and I could really save money.
I decided to tally up the month before this past month to see how much I've spent and saved.
This is brutal honesty and kind of embarrassing considering I'm only buying for one person. (This does not include groceries, just strictly going out to eat.)
From November to December I spent: $313.32 (I know... I know.)
The first of December to January I spent: $213.39 going out to eat. (This is even a month where I was being a little mindful of spending money.)
From January to February I spent only: $166.10 (Which is still a lot, but it's a $47.29 savings from last month and a whopping $147.22 savings from the month before that.)
Maybe this month I can get it down to $100.00?
The thing is, I'm not going to stop going out to eat with my friends. I just have to quit doing an easy fix by stopping by Interurban or Starbucks and just make something at home.
I also tallied my grocery bills and there isn't a significant difference that I'm spending on them... just around $10 more a month.
It's amazing when you make a plan and actually stick to it, you can reap the benefits.
Perhaps with all the savings, I can finally buy a better camera?
We shall see.
Oh.... in other news: I've lost 9.8 lbs in 3 weeks.